
Ready for a personalized and holistic approach to your health?
Ready to get your hormones balanced and feel better?
Ready to work with a doctor who is spiritually as well as medically-minded?
Tailored to address your unique needs so that you can feel yourself again. We know that this is a big deal for you and that you have been suffering. We are so happy to help you feel yourself again!
How we work:
Step 1: Getting Informed
Every woman and every treatment plan is different. In your initial appointment Dr. Flamer will get to know you, your symptoms, your health history and show you how BHRT’s integrative approach would work for you. Specialty testing (such as hormonal, micronutrient, possibly others) will be ordered based on your situation.
Step 2: A Deeper Look
After your test results come in, you will meet Dr. Flamer for the second time. An in-depth analysis of your health based on your test results will give Dr. Flamer a complete picture and see different aspects of your health before moving forward with the best course of treatment. The more we know, the more we can understand what makes you, you.
You will leave this appointment with a personalized protocol including vitamins, supplements and prescriptions for any bio-identical hormones recommended for you.
Step 3: Continued support
Your health is our priority. As your body adjusts to a new treatment protocol, we are always there to monitor and ensure
that everything is working smoothly. Follow-up appointments are generally every 3-6 months, depending on your case.
Whenever you feel anything is off, have questions or concerns, contact us for an immediate consultation.